Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Not the Catholic Church

 This is my first new post since 2012. It has been over 10 years! A lot has happened since then (duh)! I may or may not resume posting on a regular basis, but I thought there was a need to post this now. 

I say in my header that "I submit and subordinate everything in this blog to the authority of the Catholic Church." That being said, I have come to understand recently (late December 2022 to early January 2023) that the organization that the world presently identifies as "the Catholic Church" (under the headship of "Pope Francis") is in actuality, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, a schismatic sect, and not the Church established by Jesus Christ on Peter and the Apostles, and perpetuated in their successors, the bishops and validly elected popes. The true Church, in a single brilliant stroke of audacious treachery, was overthrown by her sworn enemies, who effectively took control of the entire visible apparatus of the Catholic Church and usurped her "visible" authority, and thereby appropriating control of ALL Church property around the world (dioceses, parish churches, monasteries, and every Catholic institution [e.g., universities, schools, hospitals, etc.]). The true Catholic Church suddenly became "hidden" from the world at large, forced to operate "from the catacombs," while the outward structure that the world understood as "the Catholic Church" was under the effective possession and control of anti-Catholic interests. This is how it happened:

On October 28, 1958, in the papal conclave that assembled after the death of Pope Pius XII, a group of Freemasons and other heretics within the College of Cardinals staged a coup and overthrew the legitimately elected pope, Cardinal Guiseppe Siri, who, two days prior, on October 26, was canonically elected by the required number of votes, accepted the election, and chose the name Gregory XVII. At that moment, he became the new pope, and nothing could change that fact but his free (uncoerced) personal decision to abdicate/resign. The traditional signal of white smoke was sent up by burning the ballots in a small stove used only for that purpose (without the wet straw that turns the smoke black in the event of a vote taken without a valid result). This signal went on for several minutes and was witnessed by thousands, and, as a result of that signal, the normal preparations were set in motion for the official public announcement to the world of the newly-elected Pope.

But in the minutes that followed Cardinal Siri's valid election, a coterie of "Cardinals," who were secretly Freemasons and Communists, confronted him and threatened him with violent harm to his family (and to many others) by the well-known and powerful forces at their disposal (i.e., the Soviet Union, as well as the numerous Freemasonic networks around the globe) if he did not resign at once (before the public announcement was even made). He is reported to have said words to the effect that "If you don't want me, go ahead and elect someone else." However under the Code of Canon Law of 1917 then (and in fact still) in effect, any resignation from ecclesiastical office (including the papacy) made under threats or coercion of any kind is by that fact rendered invalid, null and void (meaning that any resignation from ecclesiastical office MUST be one's own free choice and may not be forced by threats or intimidation of any kind from anyone else). Therefore, regardless of what Siri (now Pope Gregory XVII) said, he remained the validly elected and true pope. This determined group of his enemies could do nothing about it, and they undoubtedly knew it! Note also that any Catholic who joins the Freemasons (or any similar "secret society") thereby incurs an automatic excommunication, and therefore immediately loses any ecclesiastical office he might have held (and becomes permanently ineligible to hold any ecclesiastical office thereafter, even if he repents and is reconciled to the Church by the necessary means), and is in fact expelled from the Church (i.e., is no longer a Catholic).

But this group of Freemasons and Communists (now posing as "cardinals") went ahead with their plan anyway. First they overcame the cardinals at the stove who were burning the ballots (and sending up the white smoke), and immediately stuffed in a bunch of wet straw (which turned the WHITE smoke BLACK)--later asserting the ridiculous claim that there had been "a mistake"--and two days later, on October 28, 1958, elected one of their own, Angelo Roncalli (also a Freemason--his name (along with the names of many other  [former] Catholic bishops and clerics) is in a list of enrolled members of "the Lodge"--and therefore excommunicated and outside of the Church, and ineligible to hold any office within the Catholic Church), who took the name of a prior (1410-1415) antipope, John XXIII. By this act [attempting to elect a pope while a validly elected pope was still alive], they committed the sin of schism, and anyone who followed this invalid (false) pope (whether they realized it or not) also became a member of the same schismatic sect, and was/is therefore outside the true Church. Therefore, every "Catholic" who adheres to (accepts as valid) the line that started on October 28, 1958, with [the second] Antipope John XXIII (and continuing on down to Antipope Francis today), is in de facto schism (although through no fault of their own on account of the bold deception). The true line of legitimate authority of the Catholic Church follows from Pope Gregory XVII, who never validly (freely) abdicated his Petrine office, and who eventually died on May 2, 1989, after 30 years of being kept under close "guard" by his Freemasonic captors and effectively "exiled" from the see of Rome to his old diocese of Genoa, Italy. Every act, therefore, of the antipopes John XXIII, Paul IV, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis is null and void and without any authority whatsoever.

This includes ALL of "Vatican II" and everything that resulted from that invalid council. Only a validly elected pope has the authority to call or approve an Ecumenical Council, and Pope Gregory XVII did neither. Therefore, the "Novus Ordo Mass" (promulgated by Antipope Paul IV in 1969) is invalid, as well as the "new/revised" rites of ordination to the priesthood and of the consecration of bishops, as well as the "new" Code of Canon Law promulgated in 1983 by Antipope John Paul II, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (both editions, 1994 and 1997). Even the first changes to the Traditional Latin Mass (however "minor" one may consider them to be) made in 1962 by Antipope John XXIII are invalid. The 1917 Code of Canon Law remains in force to this day. The only official Catholic catechism is still the Catechism of the Council of Trent (also know by other names), promulgated by Pope St. Pius V in 1566. No "encyclical", "decree" or any other document (or speech) made by any of the antipopes over the last 65 years has any binding force whatsoever, either on Catholics or anyone else.

In a little while, I will explain further what happened to Pope Gregory XVII and the true Catholic Church. (Hint: It is currently "underground" (or "in exile/hiding"), as it was in the first few centuries of her existence (and at other times, such as after the Anglican heresy/schism in the 16th Century) when it was openly persecuted by the secular and religious authorities.)