Friday, September 02, 2005

I think I'll post about ... hmm ...

I know blogs are supposed to be updated every few days at least, but I've been rather busy and otherwise occupied lately.

I've thought about what I should write about here, and I have a number of candidates:

What is "love" and what's it really all about?
Insights about God gained from reading The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene (a physicist).
World views.
Heaven & our instinctive desire for it.

There may be other topics that I've considered but can't remember at the moment.
There's also the question of time. Computer time to compose an essay & computer+internet time to put it on the blog. This might not seem like much, but with my work and other responsibilities combined with competition within the family for use of the one internet-access computer we own and other related priorities, there just isn't much personal time available for blogging. I might have a little more time in the near future to deal with this situation, though, so I should be back soon with something interesting.

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