Friday, August 31, 2007

Morality Salad

Yompin’ Yimminy! It’s been a long time since my last post, I know.

I’ve been thinking about a lot of little topics, nothing huge or terribly pressing, but always buzzing there in the background of my consciousness. Summertime has also imposed certain burdens on my time which have hampered my ability or opportunity to write anything new. Summer also tends to be a busy time at work (where many, even most, of my ideas usually have time to germinate and sprout), so I’ve had to spend more energy focusing on the mundane tasks of the job rather than doing the more mentally satisfying work of theology, philosophy and social analysis.

The things I’ve been mulling over constitute a varied jumble, a salad if you will, of topics concerning morality as it relates to business culture, economics and other social and political concerns. The “global economy”, war, the legal vs. moral status of the family in society, contemporary American culture and the “religion” of secular materialism are among the topics in the mix. (I suspect that there is more than just greens and vegetables in there, so maybe it’s more like a “taco salad” with a little spicy beef mixed in as well.)

(By the way, if any of you have any suggestions for a topic for this blog, any topic, feel free to leave a comment and tell me about it. If I find your idea interesting, I’ll give it some thought and write something …)

In any event, I hope to develop something soon that is worth posting, so check back every so often. Also, I’m still waiting for word from my “guest contributor” who it seems has even less time for writing than I do.

In the meantime, feel free to peruse my older posts and browse through the archives (linked on the gray sidebar) for the ones that have dropped off this main page. Don’t be shy—leave new comments there too, if you wish, but if you do, be sure to leave a “flag” message in the most recent post’s comment box directing my attention to the right place.

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