There can be no such thing as homosexual (same-sex) "marriage." For someone (especially the state) to call a domestic arrangement between two practicing homosexuals a "marriage" is to obscure and distort the English language. It would be as if the state attempted to modify the meaning of the word "blue." We use the English word "blue" to describe a certain reality, i.e. light within a certain frequency range and certain shades of pigmentation. Some objects are blue, and other objects are not. Suppose for a moment that the Iowa legislature, for example, were to pass a resolution, and the governor were foolish enough to sign it, that several shades of pink and other shades of yellow were now to be considered "blue." Would that actually change what blue is? Of course not. Blue would still be blue, pink would still be pink and yellow would still be yellow, regardless of the legal fiction created by the new "law." If lawyers, legislators and judges started referring to pink and yellow objects as "blue" the only result would be confusion. It is in the interest of everyone that the courts and other institutions of the state to simply recognize the reality that is BLUE and not attempt to be "more inclusive" by expanding its definition to include other hues that are NOT blue.
Likewise, a marriage is a permanent committed relationship (recognized in contractual form, but not the same thing as the contract) between one man and one woman. Permanent means that it lasts as long as both parties are alive, whether or not they actually live together in the same household. Certain conditions must be present for a marriage to occur in fact, such as both parties must be mature enough to understand what they are getting into, have complete freedom of will (not being coerced in any way), and must be free from other situations which by their nature invalidate the attempted marriage bond (called impediments--e.g., a solemn vow to the Catholic priesthood or a prior marriage).
Marriage is not a social construct., but rather flows from human nature itself. It should be obvious (but it seems it is not obvious to some) that sex is about reproduction. That's what it's for in animals, and that's what it's for in humans. The fact that it is pleasurable merely provides motivation to engage in it, and thus to propagate our species.
Sex is about babies. Babies are absolutely helpless and require an enormous amount of care and attention and a long time to grow to maturity. It's a full-time job, more than one person can handle alone, requiring an intense commitment of many years. If there are several children, the necessary commitment is prolonged.
Raising children is a multi-decade task that requires the involvement of both parents in a stable union. (This in no way denigrates the heroic efforts of those who of necessity shoulder the task alone.) Once the children are grown, the parents will be in their declining years and will have to be taking care of each other (hopefully also receiving help from their grown children).
So here is the logical progression in a nutshell: human nature leads to sex, which leads to offspring, which leads to childrearing, which leads to marriage--an institution found in every human culture and understood in the way just described.
Given that marriage is a reality of human nature, we cannot change it because we cannot change human nature. Making "laws" that coerce people to treat homosexual couples as if they were married, that would not give them the reality of what marriage is. All society would be doing is playing a word game.
The reason societies recognize the natural law institution of marriage and treat it differently than other unions is that doing so is to society's benefit. Marriage alone is capable of both producing and bringing to maturity new members for society, thus ensuring its survival. Society wants to encourage this, so it extends to the institution that provides this unique service special recognition and benefits. The more stable and successful marriages that exist in society, the stronger the society will be.
The effect of extending similar recognition and benefits to homosexual unions would be to encourage them. This would result in more people engaging in this dangerous and destructive behavior that is a net cost to society. The lifespan of homosexuals is shorter than that of heterosexuals (and always was, even before AIDS). The lifestyle results in more diseases, psychological problems, suicides, and general misery than heterosexuals. Increasing social acceptance of homosexuality hase not changed this--it is intrinsic to the behavior. Homosexual unions are also notoriously unstable. The cost society already bears through divorce would increase as the courts are flooded with cases of homosexual divorce.
Like other self-destructive behaviors, such as alcoholism or drug addiction, homosexuality places a greater burden on the community, without returning a tangible benefit in the form of new members. Obvious are the burdens on society due to the devaluation of marriage that has already ocurred by the wave of single-parent families, unwed mothers, economic hardships, abortions, divorces, juvenile delinquencies, and misery for many. Adding recognition to homosexual unions would only further these trends.
Social policy needs to be in line with reality. Treating homosexual unions as something they are not will only defeat that goal.
[Most of these points are made by Jimmy Akin, director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers in San Diego, California, in the November 2004 issue of This Rock magazine, pg.32-35.]
Wow. That hurt.
Is "sex is about babies" than why are elderly people allowed to get married? Why are straight couple allowed to get married who have no intention of having children? Why are infertile couples allowed to marry? And what about societies that allow polygamy? How does this fit in? My suggestion- if you don't like gay/lesbian marriage, don't have one. Just turn your head and walk on by. It is too bad for your side that the majority of people under age 25 support gay/lesbian marriage and you can enact all the laws you want now, they'll be overturned in 20 or 30 years. I wonder though, if you ever think about the pain and suffering you are causing fellow humans by demonizing us?
You demonize christains every day on blogs. That'd make you a hypcocrite wouldn't it? - Gordon
At some point in time people modified the meaning of the word blue to also include:
2. Pale, without redness or glare, -- said of a flame; hence, of the color of burning brimstone, betokening the presence of ghosts or devils; as, the candle burns blue; the air was blue with oaths.
3. Low in spirits; melancholy; as, to feel blue.
4. Suited to produce low spirits; gloomy in prospect; as, thongs looked blue. [Colloq.]
5. Severe or over strict in morals; gloom; as, blue and sour religionists; suiting one who is over strict in morals; inculcating an impracticable, severe, or gloomy mortality; as, blue laws.
6. Literary; -- applied to women; -- an abbreviation of bluestocking. [Colloq.]
and you know, the world didn't end.
Brat, you state: "This completely ignores the facts that almost half of all marriages end in divorce (i.e. Jennifer Lopez, Brittany Spears and many more) and that many gay couples will spend entire lifetimes together in committed and stable relationships..."
Um, Brat, you're basically saying that marraige is losing it's meaning. Green Flash stated that marriage is a life-time commitment and should be taken seriously. Too bad many people don't treat it seriously...
Just because some people don't treat it seriously does not mean you can destroy the meaning of marraige all together. If somethings broken, you would obviously try to fix it, right? You wouldn't destroy it completely and say, "Oh well, it was broken anyway!"
And what makes you so sure that gay marraiges will succeed? I've looked at statistics that show that gay relationships tend to decay after a while. Since gay relationships are going against nature, it would make sense that some relationships would turn out a bit "messed up."
You state: "re-think your position without the church's influence and try to understand that love of any kind is more important than the hatred and bigotry this post spreads"
Bigotry?! Where did you get that accustation from, your high-school? HA! Look up the definition for "bigot." You will find that Green Flash did not even hint at being bigot.
P.S, since my spel-er-I mean, spell checker is down, I probably spelled many things incorrectly. Forgive me.
1. Elderly people generally marry for the purpose of taking care of each other, not to legitimize their sexual activity. But besides that, they are at least theoretically capable (or capable in principle) of having children (like Abraham and Sarah in the Bible)--they are still open to life.
2. People who get married with the intention NOT to have children: (a) if they intend to engage in sex using artificial contraception/abortion, that would (at least for Christians) nullify and invalidate the marriage--they are NOT open to life. (b) if they intend to live celebately (like brother and sister--such is RARE but not unheard of), that is called a "Josephite marriage" and is perfectly OK--they, too, are still open to life.
3. Polygamists: only the first marriage would be morally valid, regardless of what the "law" may say--the rest would be, strictly speaking, concubines, not spouses.
4. You're right. If same-sex "marriages" are legalized, it WOULD be too bad--for all of us.
5. It is not my intention to demonize anyone who believes differently than I do, merely to point out the truth about human nature (I'm talking about IDEAS, not PEOPLE). Perhaps your "pain and suffering" would diminish if you changed your behavior to correspond to the realities of human nature.
6. If you decide not to change your behavior (for whatever reason), go ahead and do what you like with your sexual organs with whomever you like. Just don't ask the state to monkey with the legal definition of marriage.
What you say is true enough. But pink is NOT blue and yellow is NOT blue, and to CALL them blue "legally" does not MAKE them blue in fact. My point is that whatever legislation may be passed (and in some places already has been passed), does not MAKE a homosexual relationship a marriage in fact. And you're right, the world won't end on that account, but society as a whole will ultimately be the loser.
Sexually active homosexuals tend (statistically) to be promiscuous and engage in "sex" with multiple partners. This does NOT mean that it is absolutely impossible for 2 homosexuals to stay together for life and "forsake all others," only that it doesn't happen very often--it is by far the exception, not the rule. Promiscuity is inherent in the behavior or "lifestyle" (although it CAN be resisted--homosexual persons can live chaste lives). Re-defining marriage to include or allow homosexual unions would not change the nature of either marriage or homosexuality.
I don't hate you, or anyone else. I love you, that is to say I want what is best for you. That involves telling you the truth about human nature, not saying that a self- and other-destructive behavior is somehow OK. That would be a lie and in nobody's best interests. Similarly, I would also oppose anyone's contention that 2x2=5. That is also false and goes against the nature of numbers and mathematical principles. But my opposition on this point doesn't make me a mathematical bigot, does it?
Green Flash's church is never going to sanction same-sex marriages, so one has to wonder why he wants the united states government to follow his religion.
If the church doesn't want to marry two men or two women, I'm certainly not going to try and change their minds. Why would I want to? People should have the right to practice their religions freely amongst themselves.
If I tried to push my own religion on people who didn't believe similarly, well, that would be a nasty, petty thing to try to do, and people who accused me of being insecure about my own faith might have a point.
The Green Flash
It's about religion, especially Christianity and Catholicism in particular, but I'll be happy to discuss/learn about anything from Atheism to Zen. I'm talking about finding the Truth (with a capital T) because that (along with Beauty and Goodness) is where God is.
[I submit and subordinate everything in this blog to the authority of the Catholic Church.]
Hmmmmm... what's wrong with this picture...?
You take up a whole page to tell me why you think homosexual marriage is bad and then you take another 3 pages to justify your argument. *Yawn*
If you couldn't make your point in the main body of the blog, why bother writing there at all? Who are you trying to convince?
You brought no new information to the debate. You defend yourself as if you were before a jury of your peers. And yet, you parrot everything that has already been said about Same Sex Marriage.
Where are your thoughts? Do you have anything original to say?
But it is your blog, and you have every right to exress yourself in any way you wish, even if it by stealing material off of CBN.
My question to you is why are you so threatened by Same Sex Marriage? What is wrong with you and your relationship(s) that makes seeing others in a loving committed relationship such a threat? What is it inside of you that makes you hate yourself so much that you have to hate others to make yourself feel better? I find those that have a problem with someone else's sexuality are usually just too threatened to explore their own.
No, don't bother to answer, I won't be back here. You are much ado about nothing and not worth my time.
Your blog gets a grade of "F" for being long winded, dull, unoriginal, boring, and cowardly. Not much unlike yourself I imagine.
Oh, and one other comment. Do you realize how asanine the title of the post is?
Why "Gay Marriage" is an Oxymoron
You do realize that the word "Gay" also means happy, so your whole title smacks of bitterness?
Just a thought. Have a great day!
To "Anonymous":
Yeah, I realize that you won't be here to read this (or will you?), but I'll plow ahead anyway.
You said "What do you hate so much about yourself that you need to hate others to feel better?"
Christianity does not hate homosexuals. A person USUALLY can't help what their sexual orientation is, so, obviously, if we really did hate people who were homosexually oriented, that wouldn't be fair, would it? No, sir. However, it is not homosexuals themselves we're against, but homosexual ACTS, because we believe them to be immoral, and the reason for that has been explained several times. See the difference? Love the sinner, hate the sin.
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